Business Card Sizes and Dimensions
Rohan Roy
Dec 14, 2021
Does size matter a lot? Certainly, whenever you talk about business cards!Whether it's the quantity of information we want to put on our business cards or the stock quality they are printed on, we all have distinct needs. With so many choices available, like single-sided or double-sided printing, it's critical to select the size that's appropriate for you as well as your company.
Business Card Sizes and Dimensions
Now, you may be thinking, what size is a business card? Well, we've put up a helpful reference to the available business card size and stocks to assist you with this. There's a style for everyone, from fun and folded to mini.
Talking about the premium business card dimensions, it is about 85mm x 55mm. These are the ideal fit for any business card holder or wallet since they are 85mm x 55mm in size. It'll always be on hand to pull out whenever you notice a chance to network, and it'll be about the size of a credit card. To make your card more unique, choose between normal or rounded edges as well as consider applying Spot UV.Add a unique glossy, velvet, or matt finish to your business card design to make it stand out.
The dimension of this item is 85mm x 55mm. Despite being the most affordable business card, this economy line does not compromise on quality. To achieve a premium feel at a lower price, in this case, the same material is utilized as in standard business cards. These are of standard size, so they can easily fit in your wallet. As these economic cards are uncoated, they can be also used as loyalty cards.
Its dimension is 55mm x 55mm. It is certainly cool to be square these days! At least in terms of your business card! This eye-catching size will quickly pique the interest of any prospective investors or clients. There's plenty of space to put your contact information, logo, Twitter account, or Facebook name. Make your business cards double-sided. This will help you to easily put contact info on one side whereas your logo is on the other side.
Its dimension is 25mm x 85mm.Although this slim-line card is very small, it contributes to makes a great impact! With its simple and distinctive characteristics, this small business card has just enough room for all of your important information. This one-of-a-kind form is guaranteed to create a good first impression, particularly if you add a special laminate coating for a matte or glossy finish.To effectively increase your social media following, use your mini as a calling card. On one side, write your Twitter or Instagram username, and on the other, write your company name along with the tagline.
Folded Business Cards
Folded business cards come in the dimensions of 170mm x 55mm (short edge), or 110mm x 85mm (long edge). This option is great for appointment cards in doctor's surgeries or hair salons since it has four printed sides instead of the standard two.If you're going to make your appointment cards, it is recommended to go with uncoated paper. That will make writing on them a lot simpler!
Loyalty Card
The dimension of this item is 85mm x 55mm. These bespoke loyalty cards are printed on uncoated paper and are specifically intended to improve your customer loyalty or rewards program. With this super-absorbent material, you won't have to worry about ink smudges. Customers can always carry these in their wallets since they are at standard business card size!
This particular option comes in a dimension of 85mm x 55mm. Looking for an eco-friendly business card that's the same size as a regular one? In this regard, you can go for recyclable business cards printed on durable 350gsm paper. If you want to make your business communications a bit more environment-friendly, this is the way to go. It is regarded as a perfect option for long-lasting appointment and reward cards as it is printed on uncoated paper.As these cards are not coated, they can also be recycled.
It comes in the dimension of 85mm x 55mm. Also, these are a modern as well as a trendy alternative to the classic silk paper, with their distinctive earthy brown shade and rustic touch. This option is best for a handmade look with specifically a special finish. Café and restaurant owners, or crafty companies, would be greatly benefitted from these bespoke, standard-sized business cards.As this paper comes with a brown texture, it is suggested to only using dark colors on Kraft. Lighter colors will not show through as vividly as darker colors.
With a dimension of 85mm x 55mm, the metallic business card will add up a dash of 'dazzle' to specifically your networking. This style, printed on a shimmery stock, is ideal for craft businesses, wedding caterers, and anybody in the creative field. It will also look great in the wallet of your client as it comes in standard business card size.If your service is concerned with leisure or entertainment, it will add a touch of elegance and fun.
What Do You Need to Know About Creating Your Own Business Cards?
It's important to know where to begin when creating appealing business cards, whether you are a designer or a company owner. Using any business card design software tool, you can easily create a professional-looking business card. Any layout program, such as MS Word, PowerPoint, and conventional tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, can be used to start from scratch. You would be able to get a head start by downloading business card templates or utilizing customized designs offered by sites like Canva.
Size And Layout Of Business Cards
The standard dimensions of business cards are about 3.5 x 2 inches. Bleed is used in a lot of printed designs. The "bleed area" is an additional 1/8 inch of space for backgrounds or design elements. This particular area extends beyond the finished card edges. Use the following guidelines while producing your business card design file:
Consider making the document page size along with the bleed area, 3.75" wide x 2.25" high. If you're not going to use bleeds, the bleed area is not required. In this case, the size of the document should be 3.5 x 2 inches.
The typical business card size in the metric system is 8.9 × 5.1 cm.
Consider Playing It Safe Around The Borders
As there is a slight variance of cutting, it is best to keep every important text as well as logo info inside the design safe zone. This area is the 1/8 inch surrounding the card's margin. Make sure your wording fits inside the card's 3.25 x 1.75-inch dimensions. You don't want the last digit of your phone number to be omitted!Borders can be much difficult to work with. Borders whose thickness is less than 1/8th inch outside the safe zone may not trim uniformly. Keep borderlines as well as other thin lines away from the edge of your business card, within the safe zone. In turn, this will help to prevent an "off-center" appearance.
Custom Business Cards and Two-Sided Business Cards
When you need more room to work with or want to give a special offer or more information about your company or product, double-sided business cards are a fantastic option. Create a separate page in your file specifically for the backside according to the size requirements. Round edges, as well as custom printing effects, are among the best available choices for commercial printing of bespoke business cards.
Folded Business Cards
A bespoke folded business card or tent card is another popular option. You can use it as a convenient small brochure or greeting card, with double the printable space of a conventional business card. In this regard, consider setting the file size to 3.75 x 4.25 with bleed for folded business cards, or 3.5 x 4 without bleed for folded business cards. All that you need is two pages in your file, one for the card's outside (i.e. front as well as back) and the other for the interior.
Additional Information On This
There are a few other factors to consider when it comes to business card sizes as well as dimensions:
Standard Business Cards Sizes
The image of a typical business card generally comes to mind when the words "business card" are mentioned. Of course, the most significant advantage of having this size is the low printing cost associated with it. You can pick from a variety of printing services, allowing you to compare prices and get the top deals. Another advantage is that the world is oriented toward business cards that are 3.5" x 2" in size. Whenever you give someone a business card of standard size, they are likely to add it to a small stack of previously gathered cards. But, if you fail to make your business card in a standard size, then there is a possibility that it does not fit in their holder. Ultimately, your card may wind up in the trash bin.
It's Elegant To Be Classic
Although currently, money payment has become digitalized, it is not applicable everywhere. In the future times, it is expected that everything will get digitalized. But, plastic still rules in the present times especially when it comes to purchasing items. That implies that everyone you encounter will almost certainly be carrying a wallet stuffed with credit cards.A credit card-sized business card especially of 3.375" x 2.125", will fit easily into space in someone's wallet, while being somewhat shorter as well as broader than a normal business card. This is convenient not only to your relationships but also to you. You may have at least one or two of your business cards with you at all times. It is great for when you run into someone on the street or during your trips. The fact that it won't fit into conventional business card holders and that it will stick out somewhat in a stack of cards are, of course, two drawbacks. The latter, on the other hand, could be a positive thing.
Beef It Up
Chubby business cards are somewhat larger than credit card-sized business cards and stand out. These are 3.5" x 2.5" in terms of size, so this will stand out among a stack of cards your associates are gathering. Standard business cardholders will not accommodate these cards.The additional space is one of the main advantages of this type of business card. This makes it perfect for company owners who need to cram a lot of info into a limited amount of space. In case, you want to accommodate a graphic of a larger size, then you can go for this option. But, if you do not need the additional space on the card, lots of whitespaces can be used to make your message stand out.
All Through The Board
Businesses nowadays understand that to stand out, they must go out of the box when it comes to their business cards. Custom-sized business cards are considered to be a great option to consider. You can go for an option depending on your business requirements.The most difficult aspect of a bespoke size is printing. Before you hire a business card designer to create your card, find a web to print service provider that provides that size at a price that you can afford. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with a fantastic design and no one will be there to print it for you.One unique size that has gained popularity in recent years is 3.5′′ x 4′′, that generally folds to 3.5" x 2". This provides a lot of room for your brand messaging while still fitting into conventional business cardholders. Before you choose a card size, make sure that you can locate a printer that can also fold cards for you. Otherwise, you will have to fold those individually. ConclusionWe're sure, after reading this guide, now you have got a clear idea about the different business card dimensions and sizes.